Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment

"A fundamental goal of the College is to foster an environment in which its members may live and work productively together, making use of the rich resources of the University, in individual and collective pursuit of academic excellence, extracurricular accomplishment, and personal challenge. In the words of the Resolution on Rights and Responsibilities adopted by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on April 14, 1970, “By accepting membership in the University, an individual joins a community ideally characterized by free expression, free inquiry, intellectual honesty, respect for the dignity of others, and openness to constructive change.”

For this goal to be achieved, the community must be a tolerant and supportive one, characterized by civility and consideration for others. Therefore the standards and expectations of this community are high, as much so in the quality of interpersonal relationships as they are in academic performance."

(Handbook for Students)

The College community is one that values inclusion, civility, and mutual respect. Members are expected to maintain high standards of conduct both in interpersonal relationships and in academic performance. For this reason, the College seeks to address any concerns related to these expectations. There are many different resources available to support students, faculty, and staff in the community. Below are some that undergraduates might find particularly helpful.

University Resources

College Resources