Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct

We help students grow intellectually and personally through the promotion of integrity and ethical behavior.

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Submit a Report

Harvard College community members can submit reports about academic integrity and student conduct. We are dedicated to addressing violations fairly.

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Navigate a Process

If you need help with an academic integrity or student conduct issue, don’t worry – there are staff available to guide you. You don’t have to figure it out alone.


Connect with Resources

Learn more about the undergraduate academic policies and community standards as well as who can support you on your academic journey in Harvard College. 

Student Handbook

The Harvard College Student Handbook contains important information for undergraduates such as academic requirements and behavioral expectations, including the Honor Code. All students are expected to read and abide by the expectations in the Handbook.

Honor Code

Harvard College is an academic and residential community devoted to learning and the creation of knowledge. The Honor Code outlines our commitment to academic integrity and the value of honesty as it contributes to intellectual pursuits.

Administrative Board

Also known as Ad Board, the Administrative Board, ensures student compliance with the College’s academic and social policies. They review unsatisfactory undergraduate academic performance and respond to student petitions, which are requests for exceptions to the academic rules described in the Harvard College Student Handbook. Additionally, the Administrative Board hears all formal cases of social misconduct.

Honor Council

The Harvard College Honor Council is a body of students, faculty, and administrators working together to uphold the Honor Code and raise awareness about the importance of academic integrity within the Harvard College community. The Honor Council comprises voting members who respond to potential violations of the Honor Code and rules on academic integrity and Student Academic Integrity Fellows (SAIFs) who provide support to students throughout the Honor Council process.

Our Mission

OAISC works to advance the mission of Harvard College by ensuring that its administrative and conduct processes are fair, equitable, and educational. OAISC supports our students’ intellectual and personal growth through the promotion of integrity and ethical behavior.