How to Report


The Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct works with all Harvard community members to address concerns raised about the behavior of students in Harvard College. Harvard Community members can utilize the reporting links below to submit their concerns, which will be reviewed by either the Secretary of the Honor Council (for academic integrity violations) or the Secretary of the Administrative Board (for social misconduct, which focuses on non-academic behavior). When filing a report, please remember that the amount of information you provide impacts our ability to address it fully. 


Link to Academic Integrity Report Form

Link to Social Misconduct Report Form

Academic Integrity Concerns  Social Misconduct Concerns


Please note, that in most cases, consistent with College policy and federal and state law, information about any disciplinary proceedings, including any outcomes, is not widely shared. Any correspondence or information will not be communicated to you as it is considered confidential and private concerning any identified respondent(s). We are available to discuss concerns about potential incidents or the process. Any inquiries may be directed to the following:

Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct

1350 Massachusetts Avenue
Smith Campus Center #450
Cambridge, MA 02138
